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Supporting the community

Pro Bono is a shortened Latin phrase which means ‘for the public, or common good’. The University of Leicester Pro Bono Society acts for the common good of the local community, and strives to support every individual possible.


Welcome from Society Co-Presidents, Dylan Tsao & Sumayah Sajid

"Hi, my name is Dylan, and I am delighted to be one of the Presidents of the University of Leicester Pro Bono Society. I am excited to lead a group of bright-minded and talented individuals to develop important skills and leave a lasting impact. My passion for law started during my two years of national service in the Singapore Police Force where I was required to help the people of Singapore from all walks of life. I am hoping that I can utilise my experiences in past leadership positions to drive the society forward, forge new bonds and strengthen existing ones. My goal is to not only allow members to find great value in the work that they do, but to allow them to build strong relations with others within the society and outside."

"Hello! I’m Sumayah and I am so grateful to have been elected as your Co-President this year. I am looking forward to seeing what we can accomplish as a society. Pro bono, which means "for the public good," is at the core of our society's mission, and I know that everyone who is a part of this society will help us achieve it. I first became interested in Law when studying History as we were taught to engage with the ever changing political and social world through thousands of years. I believe utilising legal knowledge to build partnerships, raise awareness, and challenge systemic injustice is the key to creating change. My goal is to promote inclusion and empower more of us to strive towards social justice and equality.


Why Join Pro Bono?

Pro Bono consists of 14 exciting projects and applications for 2023/24 Project Director positions are now open.

Being part of the society is rewarding, helping people with access to justice while gaining legal skills, learning professionalism, and being involved in both career-related and social events. 


News & Events

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Project Blogs

Read our member blogs and learn about the latest campaigns from all our projects.

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